new owners

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jim carman

new owners

Post by jim carman » Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:26 am

the park is in California. We have just gotten new owners and they are threatening to raise the rent 85.00 if we don't sign an agreement to go only $40.00 so they don't have to go to the rent board.
most tenants are seniors and they can't afford the increase.

When the new managers came in they said they were going to make chages for the good never asked for tenants opinion ect.

who can we as a group contact for help?????????????????????????

ps. i also have a dog and they are saying i need to get rid of it. can they do that i've had her since we moved in 5 1/2 yrs ago.

thanks for any info.................................................................

cindy h

RE: sub-lease/room

Post by cindy h » Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:06 am

I need to know if there's a time limit on a written notice. Is it 3-day, or is it 30-60 days. The owner sublet a room out for $450 without the park's manager's knowledge or her dad's knowledge (or before is death a month ago, was the legal owner). The space rent was paid by the owner(her dad) who never did live in that trailer.

Keeping in mind that the rent for the room was paid and the renter has all the proof of his address.

The owner never gave her room renter a 30 day notice. She sent people over to move her things out and they took alot of their belongings.
She had moved out completely, upom moving out tore up the plumbing, removed the cabinets and shelves out of all the cabinets and unplugged the fridge, so the roommate that was there couldn't have a place to store his medicines which require referidgeration. He is disabled with two life long diseases.

What I need to know is this legal for the owner of the house to not give a proper written notice to renter and what is the legal # of days till the notice expires.?


RE: sub-lease/room

Post by rmurray » Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:36 am

Landlord tenent laws are different in every state..Notices for non payment do not give the landlord the right to enter the premises with out an eviction order for a court...Your friend migh want to find a legal aid attorney..often they specialize in tenent law...Lease termination notices are at leat 30 days in most in GA they are 60 days....

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