Re: mobile home park issues

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Re: mobile home park issues

Post by bncrafty » Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:35 pm

I live in a mobile home park owned by a huge corporation in South Dakota that has a regulation that I think is unfair and don't know if there's anything that can be done about it. There should be a law that governs regulations that are absolutely ridiculous. We are charged $10.00/month per car on our lot rent (even if there is an additional place to park; ie my neighbors have parking for 3 cars and are still charged the $10.) This all started due to an older lady with only one car complaining about a neighbor who was parking in front of her mobile home. They weren't blocking her driveway, she just didn't like the additional cars in front of her home. Because of this situation, the park is enforcing this rule. At present, I have an additional car because I'm trying to sell one. I am on disability and can't afford an additional $10/month. I can hardly meet my bills already. I was told to remove it or pay the $10. I would remove it but don't have a place to keep it while I'm trying to sell it. We have the highest lot rent in the city and it doesn't include water, trash, etc. Almost all of the other parks include at least water. We also cannot have fences, swingsets, gardens (food), etc. I can't afford to move, so do we have to abide by whatever rule they decide to add onto our lease? I feel like they are taking advantage of tenants because many can't move like myself. There are other problems with the park as well, but I wanted to address this issue first. Thanks for your help! It is greatly appreciated!!

David Oxhandler
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Re: mobile home park issues

Post by David Oxhandler » Thu Sep 19, 2013 2:38 pm

Refer to your rental agreement or lease to see the terms you agreed to ..... if the car fee is in the signed agreement yo must abide by your signed agreement. If it is not in your signed contract you might be able to challenge the excess car fee.
David Oxhandler
[email protected]

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Re: mobile home park issues

Post by bncrafty » Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:21 am

Hi David,

Unfortunately, it is in the lease agreement. But if I wouldn't have agreed to sign it, then what would've happened? I feel like we have no choice but to sign the lease agreement or we will have to move? That doesn't seem fair... how do we have a say so in what they can include in the lease? and shouldn't we have a voice?

Another big problem we have is when we get hit with a blizzard. I live in the very back of the park. We are the last to get plowed out, and it has taken a day before we can even get out. Our section is not protected because there is a huge field behind us and the wind blows the snow 4-5 ft in our section. We literally are stuck in drifts until they plow us out. Meaning missing work, or school, etc. The rest of the park can get out, but we can't. What do I do?

Also, if we're late on our payment, there is a $100.00 charge. It also is in the lease. Can the corporation basically put whatever they want in the lease, and if we don't agree, we have to move out? It's not like renting an apartment or house, where you can just move out with your belongings. Sorry but it's so frustrating!!

Thanks again!!

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Re: mobile home park issues

Post by Celtlund » Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:18 am

If you don't own your MH, you can always move to an apartment or rental house or buy a house. If you own your MH, you can buy your own property and move your MH to it. I assume you signed the lease BEFORE, you moved into the park and you had two choices then. One was to not sign the lease and find someplace else to live, the other was to sign the lease knowing what was in it. You chose the latter and by doing so agreed to the terms. I've lived in three parks, two where I rented the MH and one where I owned the home and leased the lot. When we bought the MH we are now living in, we put it on our own property and not in a subdivision so there is no covenant. The only rules we have to comply with are our own. As far as the snow plow goes, you really don't expect them to start plowing at the back of the park do you?

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Re: mobile home park issues

Post by bncrafty » Sat Sep 21, 2013 10:56 pm

In regards to the snow plowing, no I don't expect that. What I meant is that they wait a day before plowing us out, when the rest of the city is plowed out, and we're waiting. They don't do it right away. I don't know if they do the rest of the park first or not, but there's a main street and it branches out so they could head down our way first if we're the worst in the park (which we always are). That's what I meant.

As far as the lease, no it is not the same lease as when I moved in 11 years ago. I would not have moved in had those conditions been on the lease. It was changed a year ago. I have no way of moving my home because it is connected to two big porches and there are big plants in front of the home. I would have to sell and move and I can't afford that. I would love to move onto my own property, but can't. I live on disability only, so can't afford to do anything. That is why I feel trapped, and I'm not alone. There are others in the same situation here...

There should be a way that we can have a say in the matter. But I guess not... I just don't think that the big corporations should be able to do whatever they want, especially when they know they can do whatever they want.

But thanks for the info. I appreciate the feedback. Have a great day!

David Oxhandler
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Re: mobile home park issues

Post by David Oxhandler » Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:34 pm

1- I have been researching and can not find any MH Owners organization in South Dakota.

2- Is there a home owners association in your park??? If so, they should be your first stop to deal with any difficulties you have with the park's management.

3- You can contact The National Manufactured Home Owners Association to research any remedies available to you, or how to establish a home owners association to negotiate with and keep management honorable and rent increases within the limits permitted by your state law
David Oxhandler
[email protected]

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Re: mobile home park issues

Post by bncrafty » Mon Sep 23, 2013 4:51 am

Hi David,

No, we don't have a home owner's association in our park. But sounds like we should. I will definitely contact the National Manufactured Home Owners Association because I think that is a great start and would be very helpful as far as our park situation. Thanks so very much for your help!!! I really appreciate it!!! I'll keep you informed... Have a wonderful week and take care!


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