Mold on ceilings and walls deteriorating

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Mold on ceilings and walls deteriorating

Post by kimsellers111 » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:41 pm

We purchased a Clayton Dream home 2000 a couple years ago. Every summer we have mold coming through on the ceiling. We had an inspector come through and he said it was bc of heat intrusion. That when the hot air hits the cold air inside it causes condensation and wets the ceiling which causes mold. Did a mold test and it was suggested that we clean our ducts. Called the guy out to come look at the ducts and he said that the moisture in our walls were 100% and in fact some parts of our walls have rotted out because of it. He also said that heat intrusion is cause mold but that is only a cause and effect. That the real problem is that our attic in this cathedral ceiling home is not venting properly, it’s to hot. The people we purchased the home from put a metal roof o top of the original roof. I got someone to come out a whirly bird but he says because it’s all cathedral ceilings that it’s only a small “attic” space and it probably all insulation and a whirly bird would not help. Can someone please shed light on this issue.

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Re: Mold on ceilings and walls deteriorating

Post by JohiahKep » Sat Sep 28, 2019 12:58 am

Did you resolve the problem you are facing with mold or still looking for any suggestions?

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Re: Mold on ceilings and walls deteriorating

Post by janeheathers » Thu Oct 10, 2019 12:25 am


I would probably start by getting the roof re-sheathed and shingled. I would make sure that ridge vents were installed. I would install rafter pans (the styrofoam kind) to make sure that the soffit are able to vent through to the ridge. I would also make sure that my gable vents were properly sized for the area that I want to vent.
The vaulted ceiling may not have a problem. Much less space there for moisture to gather. I would probably pull some sheathing over the vaulted ceiling when re-roofing to check the condition. A ridge vent here would probably solve a moisture problem if there is one.

Also, check out this thread: viewtopic.php?t=63726
-- sincerely yours, Jane
writer at Houseweather

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