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Strange Wiring

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:13 am
by dmarino55
I had to remove some drywall from my 2x wide manufactured home to install a new door in a rear bedroom and move an outlet. Circuit wiring is odd - The last outlet has two live powers coming into it, why would this be?

The main switch to the room which controls an outlet has two lives coming into it.

When I disconnected 1 wire from one of the boxes, the hall light dimmed a little but still worked.

I back tracked to the smoke detector and when I disconnected the live, all outlets/lights after it went out, which I would expect.

I am used to the normal black and white in, black and white out if feeding something else.

Any thoughts from someone on what might be going on?


Re: Strange Wiring

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:42 pm
by rmurray
I would suggest the help ands advice of a professional electrician..Bad mistakes can be dangerous with wiring..

Re: Strange Wiring

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:54 pm
by keriamon
Yes, definitely get an electrician. We had a very similar problem in our single-wide trailer with crazy wiring. We overwhelmed the first electrician (couldn't fix the problem) and the second actually buzzed himself at one point. Took them, combined, two days to figure out why we had some outlets that would work and some that wouldn't and why fixing those outlets made others go bad. They told us that trailers (perhaps all manufactured homes?) don't have to be built to the same electrical codes as regular houses and that they were always screwy and tempermental to work with because the wiring was so frequently slipshod.

My mother and stepfather have an expensive manufactured home and my mother pitches a fit when the microwave occasionally trips the breaker, or the vacuum cleaner dims the lights. She said she wished she had made them upgrade the wiring when she ordered it. Something to think about, if you're looking at buying a new one!