Particleboard siding and awnings

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Particleboard siding and awnings

Post by Servelan » Thu Oct 06, 2022 3:19 pm

My house is a 1993 Redman and has the particleboard siding common back then.

I'd like to add some awnings (see attached) over the back/laundry room door and French doors (put in to replace the windows in the living room) but am concerned about snow load. The panels are corrugated plastic and practically weightless and the brackets are maybe 5-7 pounds each.

Any experience with awnings on an older house? Any need to put a plywood backing behind the brackets (easily done in my case)? Siding's in good shape except at the bottom (all bad spots were replaced w/ OSB).
awning.png (156.62 KiB) Viewed 26699 times

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