Gas line to range

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Dan F.

Gas line to range

Post by Dan F. » Wed Apr 16, 2003 1:37 am

I ordered an all gas home which I did not get. The place for the Range has a 220 outlet and no gas. who would normally be responsible for this the builder or dealer? How hard of a project is this? The kitchen is in the very center of the home and obviously the gas is at one end so how expensive would it be for me to pay a plumber to do it, its 20 feet at the most?


Re: Gas line to range

Post by rmurray » Wed Apr 16, 2003 3:44 pm

Usually it is not a problem for your gas supplier to run the line at a nominal fee...


Re: Gas line to range

Post by Tracy » Thu Apr 17, 2003 9:01 am

Now would be a good time to double check the order form you signed off on. Make sure you specified gas - not just verbally but in the written contract. If it is in the contracts order form, it is likely the manufacturers problem. If it is in the contract but not on the order form, then your dealer didn't communicate the order to the manufacturer correctly.

Adding a gas line from the furnace to the range is usually pretty easy - and not to hard on the wallet either.


Dan F

Re: Gas line to range

Post by Dan F » Sat Apr 26, 2003 10:44 pm

I am just going to have the gas company run the line the same day they change over all my appliances to propane. If I can swing it get them to pay it, I wil send the bill to the dealer.

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