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Insurance for "Lonnie Deals"?

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 3:28 pm
by Lonnie Dealer
I am doing Lonnie Deals. I buy used MHs at wholesale prices, then resell and provide financing for the buyers. I do not live in any of these homes. When someone buys from me, they are required to carry insurance.

Who can I find to insure my homes while I am holding them? All companies that I have contacted require me to be living in the home. Also, the holding period is often very short (1 or 2 months). Please help. Reply to this board, and I will check it again.

Lonnie Dealer

Re: Insurance for "Lonnie Deals"?

Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 3:27 pm
by Kenneth Quist
We can probably help you. Please call 800-798-2288 and ask for Kathy.