Management Responsibilities

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Management Responsibilities

Post by Barbara » Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:25 am

In general, what is a mobile home park manager expected to do?


Re: Management Responsibilities

Post by Barbara » Mon Mar 13, 2006 10:32 am

I actually chuckled when I read this post and your question. You could ask 10 managers this question ad you would likely get 10 different answers. And if you asked community residents the same question you would a lot more different answers.

A Community Manager's (could be an individual or a husband/wife team) responsibilities will vary from one community to the next. The size of the community, the Landlord's own involvement, and the skill level management (team or individual) brings to the community will determine what the responsibilities are. It could be as simple as just doing maintenance (cutting grass etc) and collecting rent. Or it could involve being responsible for allot of other aspects of the community such as sales, marketing, home installation, sewage, water, roads, common areas, equipment maintenance, tenancy approval, rent collection, evictions, accounting/bookkeeping, tenancy concerns/issues, social/recreation co-coordinating, etc. Most Landlords want on site management and the manager is either a tenant or provided residency as part of the agreement.

I am a community manager and have been for over 6 years. (husband and wife team) Over the years our responsibilities have increased and changed. We have full management and maintenance responsibilities which including all the headaches that go with them. We are also fortunate to have a Landlord that gives us both flexibility and the support required to do the job. What is important and helps also is the "expectations" (responsibilities) are clearly defined and understood by both the Landlord and us. As for the residents and what they expect...........I would never expect them to understand or appreciate what we do, can do or can't do.


Re: Management Responsibilities

Post by Rhonda » Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:04 pm


Ann Tomasello

Re: Management Responsibilities

Post by Ann Tomasello » Wed May 03, 2006 3:06 pm

Barbara you did good on explaining management responsiblilities, lots and lots
of responsibilities for sure, no wonder I want more three day weekenders.......
What I would like to ask you is, we have some friends who are self-storage managers, and are ready to make a change after 11 years as managers in same facility. We are managers our selves , we belong to WMA, so we did tell her to send resume to them. Again getting back to what I want to ask you, do you happen to have names of property management companies?, that are seeking managers, I believe they want to stay in California . I hope you respond. please email it to my email address. My cell phone is 408-483-0415....

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