Needing management advise for a depressed park

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Needing management advise for a depressed park

Post by Roadyo » Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:47 pm

HI. My wife and I were recently transferred into a park management position in the Kansas City area. This park is owned by a small corporation and has had to rely on shady managers for the last several years. As a result the situation we've walked into has proved quite a challenge. The park has a capacity of 200 units, with 85 being occupied. Twenty trailers are currently being occupied under "lease to own" contracts and the remainder are tenant owned. Of the 85 tenants, 42 are currently more than two months behind on rent and 14 are more than 6 months behind. One tenant owned unit is $13,000 in arrears on lot rent! If we evict everyone who is more than two months behind we'll have a nearly empty park. Prior management has encouraged "concessions" whereby the arrears could be worked off but that doesn't seem feasible at this point. We've taken the attitude that sketchy payments are better than no payments and meanwhile we're being very selective with new tenants. Any suggestions?

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