Tips, tricks and suppliers for maintaining / repairing a mobile home?

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Tips, tricks and suppliers for maintaining / repairing a mobile home?

Post by Terpodion » Sun Jun 07, 2020 7:09 am

I'm new to this forum and new to mobiles homes. I'm not new personally though. Over 60 years old, I have been running a small manufacturing / service business for 30 years so I know how to repair and fabricate things.

My elderly, handicapped sister is the owner of the mobile home. There has been trouble with it. The water heater blew out, there is a bedbug infestation and it turns out the guy who presents himself as the park manager really isn't. His sister is the manager according to the park's paperwork. He runs a contracting business and does it this way to avoid conflict of interest. He's a creep. He strong-arms the residents into overpriced and unnecessary work and was arrested last August for exposing himself to a 10 year old girl. He's done many inappropriate and possibly illegal things. But that's not why I'm here. The local police and I can deal with that.

What I seek is knowledge about the ins - and - outs of repairing and maintaining mobile homes. Supply houses for parts, standard techniques, quirks, etc. For instance; I bought a couple of lock sets with doorknobs and dead bolts. The original ones were falling apart and I want to keep Mr. Creep out. My sister can't remember if she ever gave him a key. But they don't really fit. It looks like the doors take proprietary hardware. I managed to get them to fit well enough to secure the doors but it's not a permanent solution. I also want to replace the skirting. I replaced a small section a few years ago and had a hell of a time finding it. The big box and hardware stores didn't carry it.

My sister is currently staying in a residence hotel. It's much nicer than her mobile home and the insurance company is paying for it. It's not going to last though. I need to get this place fixed up. I'm doing all of this work for free, BTW - much to Mr. Creeps chagrin. He wanted to charge $20K. My sister is the very epitome of a sweet old lady and she doesn't deserve the stress that this mess is causing. Any help that you good folks can offer is much appreciated.

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