Releveling: level beams versus square windows/doors

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Releveling: level beams versus square windows/doors

Post by SoCalPalmHarbor » Sat Oct 10, 2015 5:02 pm

I recently had my manufactured home releveled. That's partly because a crack has appeared in the siding, and I guessed it might be the result of abnormal stress. I releveled also partly because the home's manufacturer and some people online recommend doing it periodically.

But now some of my windows and doors don't seal properly. Fixing this probably will require partly or entirely undoing the leveling (adjusting the piers/jacks so the main I-beams under the home are at heights similar to what they had before).

This makes me wonder whether it's a bad idea to relevel (a realtor and her civil engineer husband, who were aware of the crack, told me that). And the company which installed the home told me that homes normally should never require releveling. Maybe that's because the local (San Diego county) soil is very solid?

Should the relative heights of those I-beams be recorded when any manufactured home is first installed, and all future releveling be done with the goal of restoring those original positions? That would be good for new home buyers to know, even though it won't do me any good.

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Re: Releveling: level beams versus square windows/doors

Post by mobilehomespecialist » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:34 am

Are you sure whomever releveled your home they did a precise job. Its not uncommon for shady contractors to crawl under the home and pretend to do a relevel and not do it very good. All manufactured/mobile homes settle. Even homes setup on pier type footings need a relevel 3-5 years from initial setup then checked every 8-10 years. More often if ground is getting wet around footings. If your home's blocking is only sitting on top of the ground (no below ground type piers/footings) you might have to have home releveled every 2-3 years. Once you have home releveled properly then the windows should be squared up properly. Doors you might need to readjust. This is unless the home is really old and it has sat unlevel for an extra long time.

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