onframe modular

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onframe modular

Post by asink3 » Wed May 31, 2006 8:33 am

I've got a property that is supposed to be an on-frame modular but I'm thinking it might be a manufactured home. While is has a modular certificate it also has a serial number 91047a/91047b and a NTA Seal of F2-144129. Does any one know if this says it is infact a manufactured home?

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Re: onframe modular

Post by rbonnie » Wed May 31, 2006 1:07 pm

An On-Frame Mod can look similar to a manufactured home. The building code to which it was built is the governing factor. The Modular Certificate gives you that certification. Had it been a manufactured home, it would have a HUD Seal on the outside rear corners of the home. NTA is the third party engineering firm who is certifying its construction.
Roy T. Bonney

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Re: onframe modular

Post by searly » Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:56 pm

I know this message is old, but I thought that I would reply just in case you needed any more info. My husband and I have an on-frame modular and it is VERY confusing, I have done a tremendous amount of research on the subject trying to find how we can have our home appraised as a modular rather than a manufactured home, so I understand your trouble. If it is a manufactured home (trailer) it will have a red metal plate at one end of the house, it probably is a "double wide" so it should have two of these they will have serial numbers and a HUD seal on them. If it is in fact a true modular then look in the master bedroom closet or another closet or maybe kitchen cabinet in the home. It will have a Modular construction validation stamp from your state as well as a list of certain items in the home and the serial numbers, this paper will also state "Modular Construction" on it. Look for these items and this should give you a good idea. Good luck!!
By the way, as far as financing goes, the banks look at an on-frame modular the same as a manufactured home, they are in fact different and built to different standards, however, they say "if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck..."

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