Seam line vs Marriage line

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Seam line vs Marriage line

Post by aparson » Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:26 am

My husband and I are looking to buy our dream house. It is a manufactured home. We went to look at it with the realtor and noticed a very thin crack above the door on the ceiling. This crack is so small that I thought (and still beg to differ) that it was a pencil line. The "crack" runs at most 1/4 the distance across the house and as I said is the width of a pencil marking. It does not line up straight either, which is another reason I thought it was a marking (you know when drawing a line and your pencil hits a bump and you "skip" a little part). The realtors are saying its a seam opening up. I am wondering if the "crack" could really be the seam? I thought manufactured homes only had one seam and that was the marriage line, and I do not know any manufacturers who would put a marriage line above a door way.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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