Does this sound legit?

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Does this sound legit?

Post by harpazo_hope » Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:58 am

We have been looking into buying a manufactured home, new or used. I am starting to feel very overwhelmed! I am trying to all the research I can.

My question is about a guy in the paper that we called out of curiosity. He says he can get manufactured homes direct from the factory for great prices, because he does not run a lot to show the homes. I didn't talk to him myself, but my husband did. He says that he sold manufactured homes for years, and that he does it just to help people out. When asked what brands he can get, he said any brand from Arizona.

So, of course I am extremely suspicious of this man and will definitely investigating him, but it will have to wait because I don't know anything but his first name, phone number, and the city he's in.

Can I get some advice on how to find out if he is for real? He will be calling us tomorrow. What sorts of questions should I be asking him?

And can I throw in another question. He says he thinks all the main manufactured homes are the same, depending on what features you chose. Is he right?

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Re: Does this sound legit?

Post by rmurray » Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:28 am

no. NO. NO.

No plant can sell to anyone without a dealer license..So if you insist on calling this guy back the first and only question is his dealer license number and what state it is in.. Then you could check with the state license agency about his background and history...If he does not have a proper license you should call that same agency and file a complaint. You did not mention which state you read the ad in..If you will post it I will forward you to their website and phone number..

In the mean time if you want the best information you can find...continue to surf these forums and this web site, most importantly visit the book store and invest in the 2 Grissim guides offered there. Often these books are offered in your local library but holding them and highlighting the important sections can be invaluable..

If you have not already read thiese posts go to them now. they are by a poster here who has studied the process as much as anyone..,78747

Good Luck

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Re: Does this sound legit?

Post by harpazo_hope » Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:35 am

Before I noticed that messages were not posted automatically, I re-wrote this with the added question, how do I find out if he's licensed, but you answered my question without being asked.

He is in Utah. The add was in the pioneer shopper, and I don't know if that is limited to Utah or not.

Thanks for the reply!

John Grissim
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Re: Does this sound legit?

Post by John Grissim » Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:06 pm

As usual the inestimable rmurray checks in with excellent advice. May I also suggest you ask the guy when he calls if he has any connection with Utah-based Quality Wholesale Homes? And, if so, why did he not mention that connection in the first place?

QWH is an Internet-based sales operation that has no sales lots, instead working with Fleetwood Homes to build a private brand series (same homes, different labels). This company has been the subject of a lot of postings here in recent years, not all of them positive, some quite troubling.

John Grissim, author, The Grissim Buyer's Guide to Manufactured Homes & Land, and The Grissim Ratings Guide to Manufactured Homes

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Re: Does this sound legit?

Post by harpazo_hope » Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:20 pm

Ok... I must not be doing this right. I'll try again.

The add was in Utah, but in a pioneer shopper which might not be limited to Utah. I don't know. The man says he's in St.George, which is where the QWH is located. I will definitely ask on that, but he said he offers brands other than Fleetwood.

Thanks for the help!

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Re: Does this sound legit?

Post by rmurray » Thu Sep 11, 2008 10:37 pm

Well sounds like he might well work there..They have been the subject of scores of posts here over the last 3 years..You can read many of them by going to this thread. You see unsavory advertising and sales tactics are nothing new for this company..Read here: ... #msg-37465

If you use the search function listed at the top of these posts and search for them for all dates you will find scores more mentions of this company..I would invest in the books here and keep on shopping.. Good Luck

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Re: Does this sound legit?

Post by trmimo » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:41 am

I would differ from Mr Murray and Mr Gissim's advice. Forget this fellow all together. A qualified, professional retailer that satisfies customers is proud of their reputation and you would not have to ask them what their name is. If it sounds too good to be true, it always is. I can assure you from many years of experience, that if a retailer is looking to "just help people out," you don't start out with anonymous classified ads.

David Oxhandler
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Re: Does this sound legit?

Post by David Oxhandler » Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:52 am

You gotta do your homework. I agree with trmimo, I would forget any dealer that tells you "they are all the same". 'cause it just aint so. While all automobiles have 4 wheels and go forward and backwards there is quiet a difference in products of different manufacturers. The same is true of manufactured homes.

Dont buy on impulse or take the easy route. You will be married to this home for many years. Any hasty or "best guess" decisions could be regretful or even devastating

When I read Grissim's books I became aware that they must have been the product of years of research. If all manufactured homes were the same I'm afraid that John's books would be rather thin and not have a wealth of information about each and every builder in the country. His job would have been a lot easier if the only thing a home buyer needed to do was decide on colors and options.

Hit the street and start visiting as many dealerships as you can and see as many different brands of home as you can. Listen to the sales pitches and look very closely at each home and note the differences, especially the features that you like or dont like.

Ask informed questions? like... What is the floor decking. You will find there are a dozen different answers as to the decking materials and gauges used by various builders.

Read everything you can. Be an educated consumer. Buying a home is going to be one of the biggest investments of your life. Before you commit to 30 years of payments and a place where you will spend the majority of your time you better know what to look for and decide which construction, optional and even decor features will make that structure a great place for you to live.

For a warm up take a look at Ginnie Mae's Homebuyer Checklist. This will give you a basic outline to fill in to start listing what you need and desire in your home.

Get John Grissim's Books. Take advantage of his in-depth research and get a full understanding not only of the home possibilities but also the best ways to find a reputable dealer and the worst pitfalls to avoid.
David Oxhandler
[email protected]

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Re: Does this sound legit?

Post by harpazo_hope » Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:53 am

Oh, no! I wasn't planning on buying something from him, just finding out what he has to offer. And I sounds too good to be true. Believe me...we've been looking into homes everywhere. I do feel that it's my duty to expose him if he is a fraud.

A question about the books. My husband is a licensed contractor, and already has a long list of things he wants in a home. Do you think this book will still help us decide the best quality home? I'm sure it will help us with the pricing and financing aspect. At the risk of sounding unappreciative of Mr.Grissim's research and work, I wonder why there aren't any do-gooders offering this information for free.

Thanks for the replies.

John Grissim
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Re: Does this sound legit?

Post by John Grissim » Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:08 am

"At the risk of sounding unappreciative of Mr.Grissim's research and work, I wonder why there aren't any do-gooders offering this information for free."

You ask a good question. I asked myself the same question when I was considering writing my first MH consumer guide (The Grissim Buyer's Guide) back in 2001. I searched the Internet for all the free advice I could find, and bought the few books and pamphlets that were out there. I did so because I was risking my own money to publish the book and I couldn't afford to get it wrong.

I took the risk after concluding there wasn't enough info out there (and much of it was out-dated, poorly written/edited, and woefully inadequate). Now here I am six years later (the first book was published in 2003) with the second edition out, plus The Grissim Ratings Guide.

It's been a lot of work but hugely gratifying. One great thing is that so many of my book buyers contact me with their own hard-won wisdom and insights, which I'm able to pass on with each new printing. And, of course, many people share their comments about the books on this forum which is far and away the most popular and heavily visited place on the net to discuss all things MH. Note: And you can bet if I got something wrong, I hear about it ;-].

I know spending about $55 to get both books (special offer price) sounds like a heck of a lot to pay, but I truly believe that you're making an investment that will pay for itself many times over.

As for your husband's list of things he wants in a new MH, both my books contain the three page chart of 56 Constructions Features and Specifications, which really drills down into specifics that a licensed contractor will immediately understand and appreciate. End of commercial.

Good luck with your house search!
John Grissim

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