Soil beneath mobile home damp, what vents to use on metal skirting?

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Soil beneath mobile home damp, what vents to use on metal skirting?

Post by Randismaximus » Sun Feb 23, 2020 11:48 pm

I recently purchased my first mobile home, it's a fixer upper so you'll probably be seeing a lot of me on this forum. The home has metal skirting surrounding the entire home, there are no vents and no access door. I removed a skirting panel to access underneath the house. The dirt beneath the home feels damp, theres no standing water or anything but it feels like there's moisture under there, enough to grow a few mushrooms here and there. I'm in San Diego county, Lakeside, if that helps.

Any advice to keep it dry under there would be great. I'm thinking I should add vents, what type of vents should I put on metal skirting and how do I cut the holes? Do I use snips or a jigsaw with a metal cutting blade?

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